The Collective Public Policy Voice of the Exchange Community

About the Policy Monitor

  <<  Needs deep discussion! Lot of moving parts >>

The Alliance Policy Monitor is a comprehensive compendium of news and issues affecting international exchange programs. It features authoritative, timely reporting on international exchange news and policy trends, including updates on Congressional legislation and appropriations, Department of State (Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs) and Exchange Visitor Program news and developments, and extensive, daily coverage of international exchange programs in the media.

Since the Alliance’s establishment in 1993, the Policy Monitor has evolved with the times. For several years it existed as a quarterly newsletter, printed and mailed to the Alliance membership. Soon the Policy Monitor went electronic, and items were circulated to the Alliance membership via email on a weekly, then daily, basis. Now the Policy Monitor exists as a robust online tool, complete with comprehensive archives, search features, and RSS feeds, an indispensable tool for anyone working with, or interested in, international exchange programs.

Many Policy Monitor items are open to the public at large for reading and research. Other entries, however, are reserved for Alliance members only—members will be prompted to login when attempting to access one of these items and should enter a user name and password to gain access.

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The Alliance offers an RSS feed tracking all Policy Monitor items, as well as several issue-specific feeds covering such topics as Congressional news, Department of State news, Exchange Visitor Program issues, and exchanges in the media. Subscribe today, and have the latest Policy Monitor news delivered instantaneously to your Google Reader or Feed Burner.

If you subscribe to the All Policy Monitor Articles feed, you will receive all Policy Monitor items, including the categories listed below. If you wish to receive only a specified subset of Policy Monitor items, then subscribe to one or multiple of the following feeds:

  • Syndicate content Congressional news feed (includes coverage of legislation, hearings, and the appropriations process)
  • Syndicate content Department of State news feed (includes DoS policy decisions affecting exchanges and visa processing)
  • Syndicate content Exchange Visitor Program feed (includes all J-1 visa exchange programs: high school, intern, training, au pair, summer work & travel, camp counselor, and teacher)
  • Syndicate content Exchanges in the media feed (general media coverage of exchanges and related issues)
  • Syndicate content Policy Monitor Weekly Digest feed (a weekly round-up of Policy Monitor items, delivered each Friday)
  • Syndicate content Federal Register (a weekly round-up of international exchange and education related items in the Federal Register, delivered each Friday; Alliance members only)

What is RSS?
RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, enables you to receive headlines, summaries and links to content recently published on a website

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In order to subscribe to an RSS feed, you first need to sign up for an RSS reader or news aggregator. Examples of these services include MyYahoo!, Bloglines, Google Reader, and NewsGator, which are all free of charge. Subscription to all Alliance Policy Monitor feeds is also free of charge, though some content is restricted for Alliance members only.

Once you have set up your feed reader, you can return to the Alliance Policy Monitor and click the RSS button next to the feed(s) to which you want to subscribe. Then, choose your RSS reader on the page that follows.